THe "Honey Problem" — KUTOKU's simple solution

TL;DR - Kutoku solves for the “Honey Problem” by simply not engaging with coupon, cashback, and loyalty sites and tools.

Wait, what happened?

Towards the end of 2024, Youtube creator @megalag published a bombshell of an exposé on the popular coupon-hunting browser extension, Paypal Honey, alleging that it was stealing affiliate commissions from content creators.

The video is worth watching in full, and unsurprisingly has triggered a tidal wave response across the industry. As of writing:

  • The app has lost net ~3MM users
  • A class-action lawsuit has been filed against not just Honey, but also Klarna, CapitalOne and RetailMeNot.
  • Discussions and debates on long-standing affiliate attribution practices are gaining traction

Given this flurry of activity, what’s Kutoku’s stance? How do we solve for the millions of coupon, cash back, and loyalty sites and tools?

Short answer: we don’t partner with them, and never have.

We acknowledge these types of sites/tools are a key part of some brand’s affiliate strategies (with the goal of increasing customer acquisition and engagement).

They’re just not for us.

We don’t believe that a coupon-related strategy is value-adding for our brand partners. Rather, our brand partners prioritize genuine relationships and content features from passionate, quality-minded publishers.

If this thinking and approach jives with you, drop us a line or apply to become part of Kutoku.

So what are you waiting for?